Strategies for Improving the Performance of Village Health Volunteers Under the Covid-19 Crisis in the 8th Public Health Region
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The objectives of this research were to 1) The study of the problems and Determine strategies to Improving the Performance of Village health Volunteers Under the Covid-19 Crisis in the 8th Public health region. 2. Determine strategies to Improving the Performance of Village health Volunteers Under the Covid-19 Crisis in the 8th Public health region, using a mixed Method research method. The research was divided into 2 phases, namely Phase 1: The study of the problems of the performance of Village health Volunteers Under the Covid-19 Crisis in the 8th Public health region, there were an expert 20 key informants and Village health Volunteers in the 8th Public health region 400 samples. The research tools were semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Content analysis and overall summary, quantitative data analysis, the statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Phase 2: Strategies for developing the performance of village health volunteers. under the COVID-19 crisis in the 8th Public health region, the target groups 30 experts by workshops and strategic assessments the research tools were assessment forms, suitability and feasibility. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation statistics. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The performance problems of the village health volunteers. under the COVID-19 crisis in the 8th Public health region, it was found that the problem level was 1) in
health promotion, 2) in disease prevention and control, 3) in basic medical treatment, 4) in performance development, and 5) rehabilitation 2. The results of setting strategies to develop the performance of village health volunteers. under the COVID-19 crisis in the 8th Public health region, there are 5 strategies. Strategy 1 Develop knowledge and ability to promote health. Strategy 2: Develop skills in disease prevention and control. Strategy 3: Develop the ability to provide basic medical care. Strategy 4: Develop skills in using appropriate technology. Strategy 5: Develop the ability to restore health. Passed the assessment criteria with an average of 3.51 or higher in all aspects
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