The Causal Factors Influencing the Business Performance of the Entrepreneur in the Eastern Economic Corridor
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This research aimed to 1. Study the level of the causal factors influencing the business performance of the entrepreneur in the eastern economic corridor. 2. Verify the consistency of the model with the empirical data of the causal factors influencing the business performance of the entrepreneur in the eastern economic corridor, and 3. Analyze the effect of the causal factors influencing the business performance of the entrepreneur in the eastern economic corridor. The sample group was 348 entrepreneurs in the eastern economic corridor. The research tools were questionnaires. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and structural equation model analysis. The research results found that 1. Business innovation capability was at the highest level with an average of 4.34, followed by Business performances at the highest level with an average of 4.31, and Entrepreneurial orientation at the high level with an average of 4.19 respectively. 2. The consistency of the model with the empirical data of the causal factors influencing the business performance of the entrepreneur in the eastern economic corridor found that c2-test (p) = 0.138, c2/df = 1.213, GFI = 0.975, AGFI = 0.950, CFI = 0.994, NFI = 0.967, RMSEA = 0.025 และ RMR = 0.019, and 3. The weight of the direct effect the most, namely entrepreneurial orientation has a positive direct effect on business performances = 0.494, followed by entrepreneurial orientation has a positive direct effect on business innovation capability = 0.254, and business innovation capability has a positive direct effect on business performances = 0.122, respectively.
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