The Aesthetic Influence of Color to Communicate

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Thaksina Sookpatdhee


Beauty in the world is perceived solely through the visual effects of our eye. To visually see pictures created by human or even natural made beauty require elements of beauties color plays and important role in perception of beauty. Color is reflected absorbed by the human eyes and considered as one of the most full fulfilling elements in our lives. So without color, how can human, civilization can has been fascinated by color from ancient to present time color also influenced human emotions and mood. Color and its usage technique is the basic element of visual communication from glamorous colored dresses and houses decorations. It can also bring harmonious senses and bring a wonderful life to those who will Perceive if it caused commercial market bloom / increases thus showed the value of color the Three main criterias as follows, Know the psychology of color, Know how to use color properly, Identity different colors and harmonious color.

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บทความทางวิชาการ (Academic article)