The Cambridge Guide to Learning English as a Second Language by Anne Burns and Jack Richards

Main Article Content

Suchada Nimmannit


This book is new. It was published in 2018 as one of the Guide Series of Cambridge. The rationale underlining this book is, as stated by the editors, that despite extensive studies in second language acquisition ranging from cognitive, interactive and sociocultural perspectives, the topics have tended to focus on individual factors which affect learning from the views of monolingual native speakers. Moreover, many SLA publications typically do not include language knowledge and use, or the acquisition of intercultural features of languages. These are some of the gaps which this book intends to fill.

Article Details

How to Cite
Nimmannit, S. . (2020). The Cambridge Guide to Learning English as a Second Language by Anne Burns and Jack Richards. THAITESOL Journal, 33(1), 72–76. retrieved from
Book Review
Author Biography

Suchada Nimmannit, Rangsit English Language Institute Rangsit University, Thailand

Associate Professor Suchada Nimmannit is Director of Rangsit English Language Institute. Prior to that, she taught English at Chulalongkorn University. She was President of Thailand TESOL, 2001-2003, and TESOL Board of Directors, 2004-2007. She was honored as a TESOL’s leading professional, 2015. Her interest includes talks and technology in ELT.