THAITESOL Journal is a well-established, semiannual, peer-reviewed international journal managed by the Thailand TESOL Organization. The journal upholds rigorous academic integrity through its strict double-blind peer review process, ensuring that all published articles meet the highest scholarly standards. The journal serves as a platform for scholars in the field to present their works to those interested. THAITESOL Journal operates as an open-access journal, ensuring that authors and readers incur NO FEES at any stage. It is indexed in ERIC and TCI.

THAITESOL Journal carries more than just a name–it represents a legacy of dedication to English language teaching and research in Thailand and beyond. The all-uppercase THAITESOL isn’t just a stylistic choice; it’s a statement of identity, strength, and unwavering commitment to the field of TESOL. As the official publication of the Thailand TESOL Organization, the journal stands as a bridge between scholars, educators, and practitioners, fostering a vibrant academic community where ideas spark, evolve, and inspire. More than just a repository of research, the THAITESOL Journal is a home for innovative thinking, a place where language professionals from around the world can share insights, challenge perspectives, and push the boundaries of TESOL/ELT.

Aims and Scope

THAITESOL Journal publishes English-language works related to English language education, including academic articles, research papers, and book reviews. The journal welcomes contributions from TESOL scholars, particularly those addressing the unique challenges and issues in English Language Teaching and Learning.

The journal is especially interested in research and discussions related to English language education, covering areas such as:

  • English language teaching, learning, and assessment
  • English teacher education
  • Intercultural communication
  • Applied linguistics in ELT

Publication Frequency

THAITESOL Journal is published semiannually.


ISSN 2286-8909 (Print)

ISSN 2697-4614 (Online)

Vol. 37 No. 2 (2024): July–December

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