Tai-chi : Exercise For Elderly Mind Development

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Pornprapa Suttijit



The training forms of Tai-chi exercise is important in developing elderly mind. Because Tai-chi exercise has 3 key components. 1) Physical component: Tai-chi players have mindfulness on one’s own breathing in-out and related to the body movement. 2) Mental component: Tai-chi players observed their mind, breathing, and bodily movement. Then they will develop their mind at peace and stable. And 3) Social component: When Tai-chi players are being at peace and stable, their mind will be liberated, able to see and understand the value of life that would be developed as a base of morality, ethics, reasonability and great respect to each other. Then the mind and body will become calm relax comfort and able to transforming elderly in order to live happily with other. Therefore, these 3 key components of Tai-chi exercise are truly important in developing elderly mind.

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How to Cite
Suttijit, P. (2020). Tai-chi : Exercise For Elderly Mind Development . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 1(1), 39–51. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/248584
Academic Article




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