Decoding Buddhist Teachings through the Mural Paintings: Mahasatta Jataka in Uposatha Hall at Wat Suwannaram Rajavoravihara

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Nithiwan Krajangcantamatr



The mural paintings in Uposatha hall at Wat Suwannaram Rajavoravihara is a part of Buddhist arts. These arts were dedicated to the Buddha and communicated the story of Mahasatta Jataka which reflected the Buddha teaching concepts such as Dana, Sila, and Bhavana which are the path of wisdom. These are used to solve problems. Besides Dhamma, there are some parts as culture, traditions, costumes, history and mental which has been gracefully recognized as the most beautiful mural painting in Rattanakosin period. It has been a highly regarded and most important in Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Krajangcantamatr, N. (2020). Decoding Buddhist Teachings through the Mural Paintings: Mahasatta Jataka in Uposatha Hall at Wat Suwannaram Rajavoravihara. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 1(1), 27–38. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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