Dreams: Theravada Buddhism Dimension

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Yoksuriya Akarasarutipong


Dreams according to Buddhist dimension occur from the working of the mind called “Subinwithi”. It is the thought process that takes place while sleeping unsoundly and happens directly in the mind. Dreams cannot be seen by eyes. There are four reasons for dreams: physical stress, psychological irritability, spirit and prophetic sign. As to dreams and sweepstakes, it was found that some Thai who believe in superstition also believe that supernatural can bring luck and dream is one channel to bring luck. As a result, there is an interpretation of the meaning of dreams into numbers. There is a prophesy manual which interprets dreams but there is no assurance to the correctness. With regards to the issue of dreams and inspiration, it was found that whether we decide to do or not to do something because of inspiring dreams is possible. Dreams, like information indicating the success of the thing we decide to do, can encourage the mind to do better and also double the effort until successful.

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How to Cite
Akarasarutipong, Y. (2021). Dreams: Theravada Buddhism Dimension. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(2), 35–44. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/254644
Academic Article




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