Deciphering the Dharma from Thai Yantra Scripture

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Doctor of Philosophy (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University



In this article, an attempt was purposely made to study and to realize the value of Thai Yantra scriptural studies which heavily derived from the belief of Buddhist faith in which it is of a researcher’s great concern. From the study, it was obviously found that in Thailand most of the Yantra scriptures possess the inherent essences on Buddhist various teachings where the process to obtain them needs the decoding of the Yantra’s alphabets. Once decoded, the exact meanings of various teachings would be considerably found wherein the principles of Dhamma, Five aggregates of existence, Three common characteristics, Triple Gems, perfection, Five precepts, the five ennobling virtues, Six directions, Ten kinds of wholesome act, Four noble truths and Eightfold path, for instance, are mentioned in order that those who are highly interested in the black magic on the Yantra scripture can get themselves morally and ethically developed respectively.

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How to Cite
Pongpom, W. . (2021). Deciphering the Dharma from Thai Yantra Scripture. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(3), 14–25. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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