According to Buddhist guideline to protect the environment

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Jundham Intheekred


According to Buddhist guideline to protect the environment, it basically means the
application of Buddhist principles into the innovation whereby the protection of environment
can be practically made through the development of body, precepts, mind and wisdom as
follows: 1) in the body development the proper awareness on the natural resources should
be done so as to provide the certain knowledge on the protection of environment to the
youth, 2) in the precepts man should be advised to follow the social norms and orders where
the protection of environment can be made in order to live happily together in a society, 3) in
the mental development man’ s mind should be morally empowered where a social
responsibility and voluntary mind for public benefit can be developed, and 4) in the wisdom
development the utilization of wisdom should be made where man can have the insight of
the world resulting in knowing the environmental problem whereby the Buddhist innovation
can be used to protect the environment which would lead to the sustainable development

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How to Cite
Intheekred, J. (2021). According to Buddhist guideline to protect the environment. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(3), 37–45. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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