Dhamma for Household to A Good Way of Life

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Surangkana Tuatison


Values of Thai society that cause problems in daily life, they believe in science and technology. They emphasis on material consumption. Some people do everything even illegal or immoralfor their successfulness. They are more mental deterioration, easy to suffer mentally, lack of shame for doing evil and they are not afraid of the consequences of sin, easily mistaken. This problem arises because of the lack of moral principles in life. Having dharma principles for householders in order to develop a life of goodness through the 4 secular principles that is Gharavasa-dhamma 4: virtues for a good household life. There are Sacca, Dama, Khanti, Caga. It is a practice to have Sacca: truth and honest, that is, to have honesty as a basis. There is truth to good in words and deeds. To be honest with yourself and others. Adjust their opinions to be correct. Training to have a-Dama: taming and trainingoneself; adjustment; self-development that is knowing how to restrain yourself, to reduce the desire. They love to develop themself to be competent, knowledgeable. Be aware of their inner self and the external environment.Practicing Khanti: tolerance; forbearance; perseverance, that is patience, tolerantto hardships both physically and mentallyand training to have Caga: liberality; generosity, that is to sacrifice, share and don't be stingy. If it can be implemented, there will be a life that develops into goodness in life.

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How to Cite
Tuatison, S. (2021). Dhamma for Household to A Good Way of Life. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(3), 67–78. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/256156
Academic Article




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