Promoting the Performance of Scuba Diver with Dharmic Principles

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Chulabhorn Research Institute Kamphaeng Phet 6 Rd., Lak Si, Bangkok



Scuba diver is the activity that requires special skills because humans need to adapt themselves from staying onshore to under the water equipped with breathing apparatus.  It needs learning and practicing that require determination, endeavor, and endurance in order to experience the beauty under the sea.  Sometimes, it may encounter the unexpected or danger from the sea plant and animals.  In addition, there could face atmospheric pressure if the scuba diving rules are not followed.  As a result, we should promote the scuba diver performance with Dharmic Principles.  The divers can apply the Buddha’s teachings in every moment from the start learning to stay under the sea and during the scuba diving namely:  persistence, endurance and courage in facing the challenge with mindfulness and caution including carelessness in order to be a good, safe and successful scuba diver.

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How to Cite
Pongpun, A. . (2021). Promoting the Performance of Scuba Diver with Dharmic Principles. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 2(3), 91–104. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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