Alcohol in Thai Society on the Way of Joining Buddhism and Law

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Songsak Tapsuvonnaworn


Buddhism contributes to reducing the number of binge drinking by teaching them the blame for alcohol degradation and ruining lives and families. Focus on creating the right attitude, the good friendliness and recklessness. To develop yourself to reduce the cessation of alcoholism. It is seen that Buddhism accepts the right and freedom to make decisions. In the use of alcohol for the benefit of the pharmacology. As a result, there are four aspects of the joint between Buddhism and the law against binge drinking in Thai society: principle, utility, behavior control and the control of the number of drinkers. However, Buddhism emphasizes that avoid ingesting large amounts of alcohol to prevent the penalty from drinking. While the law emphasizes the regulations used in society to cause clear harm to society.

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How to Cite
Tapsuvonnaworn, S. . (2022). Alcohol in Thai Society on the Way of Joining Buddhism and Law. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(2), 13–24. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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