Buddhist Police Officers in the Police 4.0 Era

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Punya Ruendee


This academic article this purpose of and this study was to study the current situation of Buddhist police officers in the Police 4.0 era by analyzing content from relevant literature. to present the findings that create a strong security system. To be a guarantee of stability, reduce risks, increase confidence to develop safely forward. The police officers applied the principle of Iddhipã da 4 to apply for performing duties in the Police 4.0 era, which are: 1) Satisfaction Willingness to perform duties, 2) Diligent and indomitable, 3) Responsible for duties, and 4) Use the wisdom to solve problems and develop yourself to the Police 4.0 era, leading to success, and able to know various technological changes occurring in a comprehensive manner can effectively solve crimes in today's society. Build confidence in the safety of the people. Which is in line with the vision and mission given to the people that “The Royal Thai Police is a modern law enforcement organization. Meet international standards for people to believe and have faith create peace in society in a concrete way.”

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How to Cite
Ruendee, P. . (2022). Buddhist Police Officers in the Police 4.0 Era. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 38–51. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/261969
Academic Article




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