Buddhist Knowledge Development to way of life.

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Phrakhru pariyatkittiwong Pakit Suphansawai


       Buddhist knowledge development for the new approach of living is the study with the purpose to empower the community strengths by the member’s participation. This would lead the community to have same goal and adhere to the members’ public interests. By applying the Buddhist principle of saṅgahavatthu 4 (the principle of service) which is composed of generosity to one another, collaboration with kind speech, focusing on common interests, and treating everyone evenly and equally, this will generate bonding as a part of the community and enable self-reliance to continuously develop ones’ abilities through various learning processes. Disseminating this knowledge is the passing on of the Buddhist skills and knowledges. It also builds the understanding about the assets of the community and effectively creates the mutual understanding that is consistent with the community need for development and product development. Paying attention to innovation is considered as the first step to the success of this participatory community strength management to empower the community to the next level.

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How to Cite
Pakit Suphansawai , P. pariyatkittiwong . . (2022). Buddhist Knowledge Development to way of life. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 15–25. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/262257
Academic Article




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