Long-boat racing to the Buddhist community of the good city in Suphanburi province.

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phongsak thonglamul


Long-boat racing to the Buddhist community of the good city in Suphanburi province, Thailand. It is an activity related to local culture for promoting of human development by Dharma principles to mind, social and cultural. This article is to be campaigning for people to see the value of good local culture, natural resources, creative economy development, to help stimulate the economy in the community. To enable people to bring local products of the community and farmers' products to sell to generate income for the community. Therefore, the long boat racing tradition has built unity in the community. Rowing competitions promote physical and mental skills that are ready to be united, resulting in a healthy body. Awareness of love for rivers, know how to preserve nature, environment, and earn income from sales in the fair Suphanburi's Buddhist community has a way of living with happiness as a culture that has been passed down to the present day.

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How to Cite
thonglamul, phongsak. (2022). Long-boat racing to the Buddhist community of the good city in Suphanburi province. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 102–112. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/262261
Academic Article




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