Tathip, Miracle of mind, transcends science

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Tathip, the miracle of mind that advanced beyond science; the article explains about the Divine Eye (Tathip) or Apinya 5, about the wonders of the mind. Because it is proven Through his own practice, clairvoyance, the wonderful qualities of spiritual practice discovered by the Buddha. Those who believe and practice the Dharma according to His teachings in order to find a way to end suffering when the mind is calm, the power is obtained, the 4th Jhana arises, the power of the mind, and above all a dharma practitioner who has won the miracle of the mind will become more intelligent and will know that what has been acquired is a way to achieve awareness, promptly, and let go thus lead to nirvana

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How to Cite
CHONGSIRI, D. (2022). Tathip, Miracle of mind, transcends science. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 78–89. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/262270
Academic Article




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