The Comprehension of Information in The Digital Age According to Kãlãmasutta

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Phramaha Taywin Chinnabutr


The Comprehension of Information in The Digital Age According to Kãlãmasutta. Basically means the scrutiny of what one perceived through wisdom, be it information gained from the online system or various platforms of media such as Facebook, YouTube, Line, Twitter, and Instagram, once perceived, one should not be immediately led by those sources of information, what one should do is to consider and evaluate them through one’s wisdom. As far as the information in the Digital age is concerned, the ten principle of Kãlãmasutta should be applied to the methods in choosing information whereby one can gain the real comprehension while examining various information and thereby being led by them. As a result, one’s ways of life both in individual and social level would be rightly led. Under these circumstances, it will provide the solution to the problems caused by disagreement of thought and social understanding where leaning and wisdom based society would be also built leading to certain benefit and happiness to oneself and society respectively.

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How to Cite
Chinnabutr, P. T. (2022). The Comprehension of Information in The Digital Age According to Kãlãmasutta. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 3(3), 1–14. Retrieved from
Academic Article




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