The Way of Buddhist Monks and the Survival of the Dharma Discipline in the Present Era

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phamahaTavon Thanavaro (Niyama)


In the present time, it is a must for the Buddhist monks to strictly follow Dhamma and Vinaya whereby the Buddhist ethics and morality can be utilized to support the community, society and nation as a whole according to the Buddhist ways of life directly regarded as the essential duty, the mental supporter. As for the material aids, it can be indirectly done through persuasion of others to do or share what they own with others in order to provide the wide benefit. Since the Buddhist monks are somehow held as one the religious and social institution, then their ways of life are required to harmonize with the society where the mental development, educational support, consultancy, teacher, community leader and social welfare-provider are actively needed in order to propagate Buddhism through the development of the general society and community respectively.

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How to Cite
Thanavaro (Niyama), phamahaTavon. (2023). The Way of Buddhist Monks and the Survival of the Dharma Discipline in the Present Era. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(1), 70–80. Retrieved from
Academic Article



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