Buddhist Enhancement of Responsibility to Modern Society

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This paper attempts to study the Buddhist responsibility to modern society where four levels of social responsibility are needed: 1) responsibility to citizenship, 2) responsibility to the family, 3) responsibility to educational institutions, and 4) responsibility to friends. Because in the modern society the irresponsibility is caused by three problems: 1) selfishness; 2) lack of discipline, and 3) non-self-control. In this paper the enhancement of the Buddhist responsibility to modern society can be made through the model named “LOVE Model” as follows: 1) L means learning the benefit of sharing whereby unlimited selfishness, 2) O means observing the prescribed discipline, 3) V means vigilance and analyzing, and 4) E means endeavoring in being mindful whereby happiness can be made through the meritorious action. Once applied the mentioned model the Buddhist enhancement can be gradually because one’s mind is higher cultivated to the level of wisdom, living to the quality of people in society. Consequently, the lack of social responsibility to modern society is thereby solved respectively.

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How to Cite
THONGORAN, C. (2023). Buddhist Enhancement of Responsibility to Modern Society. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(1), 94–107. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/264282
Academic Article



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