The Chanting Bojjhaṅga-Paritta with Disease Therapy in the Present

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kasem sridagood


The decease therapy with chanting Bojjhaga-Paritta is the practice of having a patient chanted or listened to the sound of chanting, the physical health was restored and strengthened because the sound of chanting or listening affected the patient’s mental health in a positive way. The development of decease therapy with chanting until the present time is the chanting Bojjhaga-Paritta or the morning and evening chanting. The decease therapy with chanting in Buddhism is to train indomitable patience in the face of suffering. Even serious diseases have faced, it can be treated to alleviate them. The vocalizations in the Pāli language vibrating power of verses (Gāthā) will send out powerful waves to stimulate the organ that is the base of the sound and make them self-adjustment by releasing illness and getting good health.

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How to Cite
sridagood, kasem. (2023). The Chanting Bojjhaṅga-Paritta with Disease Therapy in the Present . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(1), 27–39. Retrieved from
Academic Article



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