Development Effectiveness of an Integrated Buddhist Astrologer

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Yoksuriya Akarasarutipong
Yoksuriya Akarasarutipong


This dissertation consists of three main objectives, namely, 1) to study the principles of astrology on forecasting in Thai society; 2) to study Buddhist principles suitable for astrologers; and 3) to present a model for developing the efficiency of integrated Buddhist astrologer by using qualitative research method from studying documents, related research and 13 in-depth interviews, analyzed and presented in descriptive analysis form.
The research found that astrology is a science that studies the relationship between stars and human life using knowledge of the day and the night or the knowledge about the movement of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon to be calculated in order to obtain a prophecy. Since Thai society and astrology forecasts are things that have been together for a long time from the Sukhothai Kingdom to the present, most Thai people have a certain level of understanding of astrology. Because astrology is inserted into almost every lifestyle of most Thai people from birth to death, it has become a culture that adheres to each generation. At present, it has been registered as national intangible cultural heritage.
The development of the efficiency of astrologers are divided into 4 parts as follows: 1) Mental health aspect by applying Brahmavihara 4 and Akhati 4 to strengthen emotional stability and not to be shaken by the satisfaction or dissatisfaction that would occur while making a forecast. 2) Professional aspect by applying Iddhipada 4 to increase potential by studying, researching and practicing according to the principles of astrology to strengthen forecasting skills resulting in career stability 3) Livelihood aspect by applying Sangahavatthu 4 to strengthen kindness in providing knowledge and advice. Kind words can result in unity and respect. 4) Propagation of Buddhism aspect by applying the principle of karma to potential of understanding more about good and evil which is the essence of Buddhism. It is integrated in prophecy as another way to propagate which results in Buddhist integrated astrologist, a new body of knowledge known as “HPBAA” model.

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How to Cite
Akarasarutipong, Y. . ., & Akarasarutipong, Y. . (2023). Development Effectiveness of an Integrated Buddhist Astrologer. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(2), 22–35. Retrieved from
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