Buddhist Communication Innovation for Financial Good Health

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Khwantrakun Butthichak


Communication for good financial health, it has objectives to raise awareness of all groups of audiences realizing the value and the importance of financial literacy, and understanding the principles and methods of financial planning for managing asset regarding to the basic needs and to fulfill the desirable happiness, to reserve in case of emergency, and to invest for asset growth aiming to protect, preserve and pass forward to the next generation. The basic principles of personal financial planning can make everyone to be in good financial health. Firstly, knowing yourself what your true purpose was and what kind of lifestyle you want. If it depends on the money, what amount should be paid in the next few years? Secondly, entering the process of financial planning to generate the income, to allocate the money for spending, to save, and to invest for achieving the financial goal that related to the life objective in the future. According to the Buddhism, there are many doctrines about the principles of good communication and asset management or personal financial planning. They can be analyzed, synthesized, and presented as a Buddhist communication innovation. Furthermore, they can remind everyone to be mindful that does not spend more than their income, to promote good financial health, and to stay pleasantly with the Buddhist principle of Sensual Pleasure.

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How to Cite
Butthichak, K. (2023). Buddhist Communication Innovation for Financial Good Health. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(2), 132–142. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/267120
Academic Article



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