Buddhist Integrated Police Officer Performance in the Police 4.0 Era

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Jinnawat Kontongdee


This dissertation paper has three objectives: 1) to study the principles of   performance of duties of police officers according to Police 4.0 guideline  2) to study the integration of dharmic principles in the performance of duties of police officers in the  Police 4.0 era 3) to present the Buddhist integrated model of performance of duties of the Police  4.0 era. This is qualitative research using in-depth interview with 20 informants and data analysis by adopting content analysis and descriptive analysis presentation.

The research findings revealed that the principles of the performance of duties of police officers in the Police 4.0 era are professional, security, crime reduction, dealing with the cyber world,  innovative skills, confidence building, less force and regional leader. The integrated Buddhist dharma principles are Iddhipada 4, Sangkahavattu 4, Brahmavihara 4 and Agati 4.  There are four paths to performance of duties of police officer in Police 4.0 era model: 1) Path of success meaning dealing with cyberspace, security innovation, taking pride in profession, persevering, constantly self developing, paying attention to duties and checking performance. 2) Path of working in harmony meaning involving people and private organizations, deploying dwindling but effective police force and leading the region with good personality, sacrificing for the common good, tackling 4.0 criminals era promptly, being humble, using the right language, being generous, acting helpfully, serving people willingly and fairly 3) Path of tactical administration meaning building confidence among people, knowing how to use wisdom to control kindness, compassion and sympathetic joy impartially and 4) Path of fair management meaning training oneself to be honest in the performance of duties, not performing duties with bias because of love, passion, anger or fear,  performing duties with courage and righteousness. These will result in modern and moral police which can be illustrated by BRIGHT POLICE model.

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How to Cite
Kontongdee, J. (2023). Buddhist Integrated Police Officer Performance in the Police 4.0 Era. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(3), 16–29. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/267757
Research Articles



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