Buddhist Integrated and Conservative Marine Environmental Management Model of Chulabhorn 36 Marine Park Project Chulabhorn Research Institute

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Arunee Pongpun


This research study focuses on three main objectives 1) to study the management theory for conserving marine environment of Chulabhorn 36 marine park project, Chulabhorn Research Institute, 2) to study the principles of Buddhism used in management conserving marine environment of Chulabhorn 36 marine park project, Chulabhorn Research Institute and 3) to analyze the management model for conserving marine environment according to the integrated Buddhist of Chulabhorn 36 marine park project, Chulabhorn Research Institute. This is a qualitative research collecting data from in-depth interview with 21 key informants. The data was analyzed by descriptive analysis based on the inductive method.
The results showed that the management for conserving marine environment of the Chulabhorn 36 marine park project, Chulabhorn Research Institute started from the intention to promote conservation of marine environment. The project is the center for coordinating operations and disseminate information and knowledge to the public to be realize in the value and importance of marine resources and achieved full cooperation from both the public and private sectors. There is also training for the public in many forms, such as divers for conservation training, marine conservation youth camp training to cultivate awareness to love and cherish the marine environment. The Buddhist principles used in management including the Sublime States of Mind, Mindfulness, and Moral conscience and dread. The researcher have reviewed related literatures and conducted in-depth interviews and become a Buddhist integrated and Conservative Marine Environmental Model of Chulabhorn 36 marine park project, Chulabhorn Research Institute, namely the 5-Good Model, consisting of (1) Good children, (2) Good students, (3) good friends, (4) good religious people, and (5) good citizens. Because of Chulabhorn 36 marine park project providing cultivation to people of all genders and ages to be good people as well as be part of conserving marine environment, promoting environmental awareness and having cooperation in environment conservation without harming one another, based on the Buddhist principles promote these a concrete way.

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How to Cite
Pongpun , A. . . (2023). Buddhist Integrated and Conservative Marine Environmental Management Model of Chulabhorn 36 Marine Park Project Chulabhorn Research Institute. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(3), 75–89. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/268120
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