Learning dynamics and value creation of parents at Wat Traphang Thong Charity Kindergarten. Sukhothai Province

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    Learning dynamics and value creation of parents at Wat Traphang Thong Charity Kindergarten. Sukhothai Province It is leading the organization to be an organization of excellence in education so that parents can trust the education system before sending their children to study. Also give an example of a case study of Anubankankuson Wat Traphang Thong School. It was found that the administrators were monks and had the vision to manage the school to keep up with the changing trends in the educational system that is highly competitive in the education market. By using the principles of morality and ethics to strengthen students mentally. And intelligence can be integrated with technology appropriate to the age of the students to gain parental acceptance. As well as managing the personnel of the temple's charity school to be people of learning in order to promote the quality of education efficiently. And efficiency.

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How to Cite
Phrakrusumetphuwadon. (2024). Learning dynamics and value creation of parents at Wat Traphang Thong Charity Kindergarten. Sukhothai Province . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 5(1), 120–134. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JBIR/article/view/270605
Academic Article



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