Reflections of Thai Youths in Films Winning the Suphannahong National Film Award, 1991 - 2020

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xialing lan


This research article aims to analyze family reflections in two Thai sitcom dramas, Bang-ruk Soi 9/1 and Bannee-mee-ruk, including 129 episodes. Qualitative research methodology focusing on concepts of reflections and ideas of families are applied to analyze the drama scripts.
The research finds four major areas of reflections of Thai middle class family in urban as the following. 1) The living, showing the single family; extended family; and particular-typed family, all possess residences; income-based living styles; having various knowledge/experience-based careers; and focusing on close family relationships, by having main meals together. 2) Beliefs, relating to spirit and fortune telling; and performing good traditional and social practices. 3) Values, showing different ideas about marriage; preferring of obedient and grateful children; and emphasizing on education of children. 4) Relationships of family members, presenting both positive and negative aspects. By the findings, both actual phenomena of Thai families and the realistic constructive families, according to the ideal society, are reflected in order to emphasize the importance of family and reminding of good roles and responsibilities each individual should conduct toward their families and the society.

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How to Cite
lan, xialing. (2024). Reflections of Thai Youths in Films Winning the Suphannahong National Film Award, 1991 - 2020. The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 5(1), 87–101. Retrieved from
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