Five Precepts: Principles of Conduct for Value of Life in the New Normal Way of Life
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Following the principle of five precepts in the different age varies depending upon times, therefore, the social ways in the new normal age need the application of such five precepts to suit one’s ways of life where the precepts involved are properly observed. In following, one’s mind should be trained in accordance with living kindness and compassion where non-harming others, no-desire for others’ property, non-desire for others’ wife, non-lying, and carefulness in living life are strictly observed. Once properly followed, one’s mind would obtain the beauty of life through the thought that loving others is equivalent to loving oneself resulting in creating the principles guaranteeing the safety of life, property, family, society and health, which is accorded with the five precepts. Under these situations, many problems and obstacles would also be solved accordingly giving rise to the happy living together and thereby providing the opportunity to cultivate the perfection of precept encouraging man to avoid bad action leading to the stream of the noble path from the basis to highest level respectively.
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