The Development of Buddhist Communication Innovation Process to Reinforce Life Power of Thai People in the New Normal Age

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Boonlert Boonlert Otsu
Kanokwan Karunatittiyotin


The Developing innovative Buddhist communication processes that enhance the life force of Thai people in the new way of life era. The objectives are (1) to study the system and mechanism for knowing how to deal with life crises through innovative communication of Buddhism that strengthens life power in the new way of life. (2) to study the form of innovative communication of Buddhism that strengthens management power and Life power in the new way of life and (3) to develop and propose the development of innovative Buddhist communication processes that enhance life power in the new way of life. Using qualitative research methods with in-depth interviews. The research results found that Innovation in communicating the Buddhadharma regarding mindfulness and carelessness is organized as a system and mechanism that can help people in society be mindful and use their wisdom to consider and understand life crises. As well as helping to strengthen the mind to be able to continue living with value and happiness in the new way of life era. As for the innovative format for communicating Buddhism that strengthens executive power and life force in the new way of life, it is based on the basic concepts of precepts and faith. There are precepts as rules and discipline in the behaviour of people in society to live together normally and create a peaceful society. For the development of innovative Buddhist communication processes that enhance life power in the new way of life era, concepts from the ethical values of the Three Characteristics are used, consisting of 1) preparing and communicating truthful information; There is evidence to prove it, keeping up with the times and keeping up with events that are always changing. 2) Creating and communicating information that consists of polite words, easy to understand, clear, reflects an understanding of the social situation. and reflects the generosity and support of people at all levels of society; and 3) preparing and communicating information that has words to promote social harmony. Raise the spirit of people in society to a higher level. To have a public mind focused on providing more benefit to others. As well as taking care of society in an ethically and morally way as well.

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How to Cite
Boonlert Otsu , B. ., & Karunatittiyotin , K. . (2024). The Development of Buddhist Communication Innovation Process to Reinforce Life Power of Thai People in the New Normal Age . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 5(1), 1–16. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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