Roles and Relationship of Dynamics among Stakeholders under State Alcohol Control Policies Roles and Relationship of Dynamics among Stakeholders under State Alcohol Control Policies

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วสันต์ ปวนปันวงศ์ Wasan Pounpunwong


This research aims to characterize the roles and relationship of dynamics among stakeholders under state alcohol control policies. To synthesis data and knowledge from alcohol control policies, the researcher used a qualitative research approach. This study employed an interview and a purposive sample technique with informants divided into three groups: 1. Public officials. 2. The civil society sector 3. The commercial sector. The study's findings were classified into two categories: 1. Thai state and dynamics of alcohol control policies in the past, present and future 2. Stakeholders in the Thai state's alcohol control policies synthesized from the roles and relationship.

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How to Cite
Wasan Pounpunwong ว. ป. (2023). Roles and Relationship of Dynamics among Stakeholders under State Alcohol Control Policies: Roles and Relationship of Dynamics among Stakeholders under State Alcohol Control Policies. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 18(1), 121–136. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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