A Study of Critical Thinking Processes of Upper Secondary School Students Using Thinking Aloud Technique A Study of Critical Thinking Processes of Upper Secondary School Students Using Thinking Aloud Technique

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อภิรดี พันธ์สิงห์ Apiradee Pansing
จรรยา ดาสา Chanyah Dahsah


         This study aims to examine the levels and processes of critical thinking among students in upper secondary schools using Thinking Aloud technique. By means of Purposeful Sampling, thirteen Grade 12 students in a science-mathematics stream from a Bangkok school were selected as participants. The researcher created a Critical Thinking Test based on Ennis and Millman's Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level X using scenarios involving fossil fuels, and data were collected using the Thinking Aloud technique. Data were analyzed using percentage, , S.D. and content analysis.

        The results showed that only one student (7.69) was at a high level, Students who had a high level of critical thinking had a critical thinking process that reflects all components. The evidence was evaluated based on the data reliability obtained from observations, facts, conclusions drawn from the situation, and a preliminary agreement text consistent with the example situation. And 12 students (92.31 percent) were at a medium level. In addition, the majority of students with a moderate level of critical thinking were able to demonstrate credibility and observation, but they were unable to demonstrate other components as they should due to misunderstandings based solely on guesswork and without consideration of data or evidence.

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