Management Process of Demographic Causal Factors to Promote Life Skills and Careers under the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Youths in Nan Province

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Phuripat Kaewsri
Anan Kaewtatip
Suchart Leetrakul
Thotsapon Pongta


       The objectives of this research were to: 1) study life and career skills under the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for youth in Nan Province, 2) study demographic causal factors affecting life and career skills under the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy of youth in Nan Province, and 3) study management process of demographic causal factors to promote life and career skills under Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy among youth in Nan Province. The sample group used in the research were 527 youths from Nan Province between the ages of 15-25 years which selected by multistage random sampling, and a group of 20 experts selected by purposive sampling. The research tools used for collecting data were the questionnaire on life and career skills under the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for youth was an estimation scale questionnaire. with a confidence coefficient equal to .78 and focus group discussion recording form. Data were analyzed by finding descriptive statistics and analysis of causal factors using LisRel program and using content analysis for focus group discussion.

       The research results were found that:  1. Life and career skills under the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for youth in Nan Province in overall was at a high level. The highest average was time management skills and the lowest average was modern occupational skill.   2. The accessibility to state welfare had the greatest direct and indirect impact on life skills and careers under the philosophy of sufficiency economy for youth in overall and the housing factor has the greatest statistically significant indirect effect at the .01 level.  3. The management process of factors to promote life skills and careers under the philosophy of sufficiency economy for youth in Nan Province consisted of Considering demographic factors, Identifying target groups and objectives, Designing activities and learning materials, Implementing targeted activities and Monitoring and evaluation.

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How to Cite
Kaewsri, P. . ., Kaewtatip, A. . ., Leetrakul, S. . ., & Pongta, T. . . (2024). Management Process of Demographic Causal Factors to Promote Life Skills and Careers under the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Youths in Nan Province. SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 19(3), 151–164. retrieved from
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