Medical Hub Policy Strategy and Situations Reflecting Impact on the Health System of Thailand
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The objective of the research titled “Medical Hub Policy Strategy and Situations Reflecting Impact on the Health System of Thailand” is to study and review situations amid the Medical Hub policy and its impacts on the health system of Thailand. The scope of study covers the “Center of Excellent Health Care of Asia” strategic plan (2004-2008) until the “Thailand as World Class Health Care Provider” strategic plan (2010-2014). The methodology is based on qualitative approach using documentary research from secondary and tertiary data in relation to the Medical Hub policy strategy, including the impacts on Thailand’s health system.
The findings revealed that the Medical Hub policy had its origin in the increasing number of foreigners traveling to Thailand for medical purposes, especially in the private sector. After the 1997 economic crisis in Thailand, private hospitals had to adapt themselves to revenue decreases by rendering more healthcare services to foreigners. In the meantime, the government used this opportunity to solve the economic problems seeking earnings for the country by means of providing healthcare to foreigners. The two strategies were therefore instigated through the actions of related public agencies. Throughout the implementation of the strategic plans, there had been an increase in the number of foreign healthcare receivers reflecting a success of the policy. However, there had also been a certain number of doctors and nurse practitioners resigning from the public sector during this period reflecting a brain drain to the private sector as the main service provider to the foreigners. This situation implied an impact on the health system of Thailand.
The research recommended that the participation in making and implementation of the Medical Hub policy should include all sectors namely the public, private and societal sectors in order to get comprehensive perspectives to solve problems and mitigate impacts incurred in the mainstream health system of the country. Moreover, the public and private sectors should establish mechanism and guidelines to share the use of medical resources, especially the human resources, in order to manage balance between the services provided by the private and public sectors as the public sector is the main provider in the national health system.
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