Security Management Network on Crime ; Khao San Road area Bangkok

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พงศกร อุบลวรรณา
กรรณิกา กุกุดเรือ


The research Security Management Network on Crime: Khao San Road area Bangkok "aims to study: 1) the level of participation, 2) the relationship between the network’s personal factors and participation, and 3) the network’s personal factors affecting the participation in security Management Network on Crime in Khao San Roadarea, Bangkok. 

          This study is a quantitative researchusing questionnaires collected from 1) citizens, leaders, and shops 2) government agencies thatplay animportant role in the network security sector, namely, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, police officers, Chanasongkarm police stations and the Phranakhon District Office and 3) tourists. Data is analyzed by using descriptive statistics to describe the characteristics and the level of the variables and to analyze the relationship between variables and the influence of variables by using the software package.The research findings are : 1.The participants’ opinions on security management network on crime: Khao San Road area Bangkok in overall aspects including mutual recognition aspects, vision and goal sharing aspect, participation and cooperation aspect, interaction and communication exchange aspect and strengthening and interdependence  aspect are at the level of the most agree. While mutual recognition aspect has the highest mean, vision and goal sharing aspect has the second highest and the interaction and communication exchange has the lowest. 2.The personal factors including gender, marital status, educational level, occupation, frequency of travel, length of time use in traveling, travel time period and the participation in security management on crime in Khao San Road area, Bangkok are correlated. 3.The personal factors including gender, marital status, educational level frequency of travel, length of time use in traveling, and travel time period and the participation in security management on crime are statistic significantly correlated at .01 and occupation and the participation in security management on crime are statistic significantly correlated at .05.

          The study researchers found. Network Security Management crime. Both overall and in aspects In most agree. In the field of mutual recognition. The average maximum And the interaction and communication exchange. The average lowest Reflects the state agency that oversees the network security management recognizes the importance of creating awareness, sharing of networks, both public and private establishments, shops. Local Communities And visitors to the thoughts, feelings and awareness for the need to understand the importance of the issue. The idea is to join a network to manage security crimes. And stimulate interaction and communication exchange. Network members are committed to joint activities in the field of crime prevention. Hearing Talk two-way communication Information exchange exchange comment Learn from each other In order to strengthen the network and security management, criminal. Effectively

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Research Article


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