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ณัฐดนัย บำรุงศรี
อุนิษา เลิศโตมรสกุล


Because of the rapid pace of society, technology and economy changes, including the unresolved political issues, many different kinds of crimes have been brought about in today’s time. Very much like 191 emergency call, Royal Thai Police has developed an emergency application “Police I Lert U” as an additional way to reach out for immediate assistance.  In the application, help requests can be made easily by sending to the police the requester’s personal information, related photos, time and place of the accident, all of which can be done in one button press. The sent requests will be immediately handled and quick and round-the-clock service will be delivered right on the requester’s doorstep. Available both on smartphones and tablets, Police I Lert U application is considered    brand-new and efficient emergency service. Police who receives help requests through the application can instantly reach to the crime scene, handle the situation, deliver helps and catch the criminals in a timely manner. The application has constantly been improved after a model in the United States of America, as well as comments left by real users online. With both time and effort dedicated to the better version of the application, people can be assured that their justice is provided and protected in the most efficient manner.

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Academic Article


Cholly Wachananon. (2561). Police I lert U แอปรับแจ้งเหตุด่วนเหตุร้ายคว้ารางวัลสูงสุดของ
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