Citizen participation and health care in crisis situations

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Panadda Raksakaeo


At present, the technology used for comparison or verification In order to identify individuals, there are many technologies, Biometric technology is another technology that is developing rapidly. Biometric technology is widely applied to both the public and private sectors. Due to the use of Biometric technology for comparison or verification To identify people with biometric data, very accurate and very reliable because it is highly unique and difficult to imitate. In this article, the author presents an overview of the use of Biometric technology. In comparison or testing to identify individuals. By using biometric data that is biological and behavioral data. As well as presenting the characteristics Roles, duties, and importance of criminal record registration work National Police Agency That Criminal Records Division is important to the investigation And how to prevent and suppress crime In order to see the importance that has led to the introduction of Biometric technology Developed to be used to identify persons of Criminal Records Division by using biometric technology to help compare the biometric data of the suspect and the biometric data that Criminal Records Division is stored in the database, to be a tool to identify offenders and make investigations Criminal investigations become even more reliable.

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