The Role of the Traffic Police in Managing Safety and Solving Road Accidents in Bangkok, Thailand 4.0

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Phongsakorn Sawatchan
Patchara Santad


The Traffic Police Division focuses on the officers’ knowledge for better efficiency as it is vital to road safety. The objectives of this study were to study 1) the correlation between the officers’ personal factors and three aspects of road safety management for accident prevention: engineering, traffic technology. And law enforcement; 2) the correlation between the officers’ personal factors and their roles in accident prevention in Bangkok; and 3) the officers’ opinions on their roles and responsibilities in resolving road safety problems. The research was conducted using data from 320 individuals.

        The study showed that 1) there was a strong correlation between the personal factors and the three aspects; 2) age, education, marital status and income affected the officers’ opinions on their roles in accident prevention in Bangkok, but no difference was observed regarding years of experience; and 3) the performance was very good in respect to personnel, knowledge sharing, and coordination for problem-solving.

        From the study, the following points are recommended: 1) the performance of traffic policemen in relation to road safety management and accident prevention in Bangkok is already very good. However, multidisciplinary agencies could be more engaged in order to maintain their road accident prevention performance as well as coverage, 2) motivate the officers with improved rewards, benefits, health care and career advancement.

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