Management strategies for local sufficiency school focusing on learning outcomes towards sustainable development

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Amaraporn Boonhai
Tippawan Sukjairungwattana


The purposes of this research were to: 1) to study the current and desirable conditions of the local self-sufficient school administration aiming at learning outcomes towards sustainable development; 2) to analyze the strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the administration. 3) To develop and assess strategies for managing local sufficiency schools that focus on learning outcomes of sustainable development. Using a mixed research method of qualitative research and quantitative research. The sample consisted of 92 school administrators and 313 teachers, 12 key informants, 20 experts in the assessment of Strategic Draft No .1 and No., 11 people. Average Standard Deviation, Priority Needs Index, and Content Analysis.

          The results of this research were 1) the present condition consisted of the internal environment and external factors as a whole, at a high level. Desirable conditions include the internal environment. And external factors as a whole were at the highest level. 2). Strengths consisted of the aspect of student development activities. In terms of personal development of educational institutions, the weak points consisted of educational institution management. In terms of curriculum and learning activities, opportunities consisted of social factors. And threats, consisting of political factors and government policies, economic aspects and technology; 3) the overall assessment of the Strategic Plan No.1 and No.2 is correct, appropriate, feasible. And usefulness at the highest level and management strategies for local sufficiency schools, consisting of four main strategies, eight secondary strategies, and 19 operational methods.

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