Collaborative Security Management of public for Prevention of Crime in Pathum-Thani Province

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Pimporn Patthawee
Phongkultorn Rojviroon


The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the level of participation and the safety management model in crime prevention and suppression and 2) compare personal factors to the level of participation and the safety management model in crime prevention and suppression in Pathum Thani Province. This study included a questionnaire and surveyed 400 residents in Pathum Thani Province's Khlong Luang District, Lam Luk Ka District, and Sam Khok District. To test the research hypothesis, descriptive statistics are used.

The findings indicated that 1) There were five tiers of security management participation: information, consultation, agency empowerment, partnership, and public control. The model of security management is divided into five components: policy, organization, planning and implementation, performance measurement, and review and monitoring. 2) Different personal characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, educational attainment, and employment all resulted in the same level of involvement and security management style in crime prevention and suppression, with high levels of participation.

Recommendations to stimulate public engagement in security management in the prevention and suppression of crime; police agencies should prioritize membership networks and the development of additional training models for local communities.

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