Structural model of occupational standard development of community-based tourism enterprises with participation in service competency
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This research aims to develop a structural model of the development of occupational standards of community-based tourism enterprises with participation in service performance. The researcher collected data with questionnaires. The sample group is tourists who come to travel in Mueang Phatthalung District. Phatthalung Province. A sample of 400 people. Using a specific sampling method. The statistics used are number, percentage, and path analysis.
The results of the research. Tourist attitudes towards external factors. Tourist attitudes towards tourism factors and behavior of tourists towards the marketing mix 34% of the model variance could be explained, wherein tourists' attitudes towards external factors and tourist behaviors on marketing mix have a positive influence and tourists' attitudes towards tourism factors have a negative influence towards the development of occupational standards of community-based tourism enterprises with participation in service performance. In the part of the structural model from adjusting the model Tested for conformance with empirical reference criteria. Chi-square Probability Level: CMIN-p = 17.405. Relative Chi-square: CMIN/df = 0.725. Goodness of Fit Index: GFI = .914. Root Mean Square Error of Approximation: RMSEA is equal to .002. The development of economic occupational standards should stipulate that tourism activities are conducted every month with other occupations. In parallel with tourism operations. The environment should create an understanding of sustainable tourism in the community. In terms of attractiveness, community strengths should be analyzed to create competitive opportunities. In terms of access to tourist attractions, relevant elements should be developed to facilitate tourists. In terms of marketing promotion, tourists should be analyzed in order to communicate appropriately. In the process, there should be a joint service plan.
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