Emotional Quotient of Thai Investigative Police in Metropolitan Police Stations

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Sumaethus Borwornnuntakul
Suppakorn Punyarit


The objectives of this study were to assess Emotional Quotient (EQ) of the Metropolitan police investigator, Royal Thai Police and delineate factors related such emotional maturity. Three hundred and twenty-four Metropolitan investigator police who are working at all Metropolitan police station were the sample in this study. Questionnaire is the research tool in data collecting. Data was analyzed through SPSS Program within Mean, Standard   deviation, t – test and F – test and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient including Duncan as category analysis. The research result had revealed as follows;  

1. Most of the sample were male, age between 18-30 years got bachelor degree marriage within family income below 50,000 baht and got rank as lower than police inspector performed as the police investigator more than 9 years, care remain burden of their family. On the work duty, there are a few interfere on special criminal case from the superior and influencers, lack of essential materials as while the regulations in working as flexible. In addition, conditions in criminal case are remain effecting on the work frustration obviously.

2.Within the opinion on Emotional Quotient (EQ) of the Metropolitan Investigator police, it was totally high level. The highest was self- esteem awareness. The subordinate was as empathy, self-satisfaction, ability to other relationship, responsibility competency and ability to decision making and problem solving. The moderate was as self-awareness and motivation and ability to own emotion and needs respectively.

3.As for factors related with emotional maturity of the Metropolitan police investigator, there were gender, age, educational background, marital status, time period on investigator police, burden of family feeding, external interfere from the superior and influencer, agency ‘regulations, and criminal case conditions.  

4. Suggestions from the study are to survey police burnout, training in the emotional control and competency, workplace improvements, set up a clear career path, provide careers and activities loved more, rules to prevent intervention, including surveying police emotional maturity across the country, managing investigation knowledge and arranging for any police investigators to see a psychologist for a reasonable period of time.

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