SWOT analysis with statistics

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Tanaphon Nitichaowakul


SWOT analysis is used when strength, weakness, threat and opportunity are required. It is mostly from stakeholders’ brainstorming. It is possible sometimes that too many strengths, weaknesses, threats and/or opportunities are found and it is unsure which one should be left out. Hence, to ease this problem, statistics is brought in to comfort analysis and brainstorming under the hypothesis that every stakeholder can give different opinions and score each item differently. Making use of SWOT analysis helps consolidate data and reflects the best potential of the business. When scoring, all stakeholders must be neutral and relying on reality, and the scorer’s identity should be kept confidential. After that, tabulation for order of significance and mean is performed for interpretation. The results of this case study show that relying on the mean range of 2.61 – 3.40 and above, of 31 question items, 11 items can be left out. This means


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