A Development and Promote of Health Establishment Standards in the Category of Older Persons or People with the Dependency Care, Characteristic 3 (Providing care service and support for older persons or people which arranging with activities to promote and rehabilitate older persons or people with the dependency with overnight stay)

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Prempawee Boonyapornsup
Rungrungsee Vibulchai
Petmanee Viriyasubephonge


The objectives of the research were to investigate the situation of standardized services, develop and promote health establishment standards for the care of older persons or people with dependency, characteristic 3, and also to assess the effectiveness of the development and promotion of health establishment standards for the care of older persons or people with the dependency, characteristic 3. After the Ministerial Regulation prescribes that the care of older persons or people with dependency is another establishment in a health establishment B.E. 2563 (2020). The research model was research and development. The health establishment standards for the care of older persons or people with dependency, characteristic 3, number 50, and the sample group that provided qualitative information was the caregiver of the older, number 5. The sample was selected by selecting the qualifications of the establishment that were appropriate to the selection criteria. The instrument used was standard assessment from health establishment standards for the care of older persons or people with dependency, characteristic 3. The assessment standard form passed the verification of the content of 5 experts (IOC) with a confidence value of 0.90 with a confidence value (KR-20) equal to 0.83. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data using content analysis.

Research Results 1) The establishments had the shortage of personnel at the most, 34 people, representing 68% of the total sample group (n = 50). 2) The sample group obtain competency development and additional legal approvals (the year 2021 = 329 cases, the year 2022 = 651 cases), but the service standards of the establishments are different. Statistical significance 0.05

The research suggested that technology should be brought in to assist registered establishment owners and control establishments that are licensed to operate according to strictly defined standards.

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