Teacher Academic Assessment System and Student Outcomes in the era of change

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Kingchat Chairipoo
Nareerut Bumbudtuk
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Reongwit Nilkote


The academic system of government teachers and educational personnel is a measure of professional expertise. This is reflected in the result-oriented performance of learners. To create and develop quality citizens with knowledge, abilities, skills and desirable characteristics. The goal is to provide learners with basic skills and attributes required in the changing. This academic article aims to present instructional management that focuses on learning outcomes of learners. It consists of 3 core

subject skills, namely learning and innovation skills. Life and Career Skills and technology and information skills. Put the learners at the center Focus on the performance of the students and focus on what the learner has learned. This enables government teachers and educational personnel to have an effective way to assess academic standing as a teacher.

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Academic Article


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