The remodeling of the curriculum according to the era of diruption

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Khanet Namnai
Veerawut Wanphakorn
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Reongwit Nilkote
Waiwoot Boonloy
Arungiat Chansongsaeng


Every citizen, as a technology user, needs to be cultivated and intensively prepared to cope with changes and displacement by technology or Digital Disruption. at present and that may occur in the future This preparation needs to be placed in the education system. In compulsory education, all citizens must enter the educational process as stipulated by law to ensure that all citizens are instilled with essential and essential skills and competencies. The current educational system and curriculum used in the management of learning are still unable to respond to the education management to instill the knowledge, competence, and skills necessary for life in the era of change and the era of displacement. with concrete technology It is essential to evolve the curriculum in line with the world's developments, especially in the areas of analytical thinking, creativity, and technology skills. Educational institutions have the power to organize teaching curriculum under the context and situation following the framework specified in the Basic Education Core Curriculum. To be one of the driving forces that will help people to have the characteristics of citizens in the transition era to live happily in this challenging era. In the long-term solution, the entire education system is also necessary to be appreciated from the level of the core curriculum to basic education to the curriculum level, both in terms of details and the lack of flexibilities. This requires cooperation at all levels, especially at the educational institute level, which is considered the foundation of education in the country. The purpose of this article is to present the concept of metamorphosis of the curriculum in line with the changing world to ensure that citizens continue to cultivate the essential qualities of citizenship and global citizenship.

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