Spiritual and Ideological Leadership of School Administrators in a New Era

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nujarin saipin
Manchusa Uttong
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Reongwit Nilkote
Waiwoot Boonloy
Arungait Chansongsang


The administration of educational institution administrators in the new era is based on spirituality and ideology as the internal driving force with three development guidelines:
1) Self-development; As an executive, you must study and seek knowledge all the time. To keep up with the world, keep up with people, starting with self-development first. Self-development can be developed in 3 ways: physical, important elements are body, speech, and mind. 2) Development of human service skills.  able to manage people intelligently and the accumulation of management intelligence good people management will become the prestige of the executives. If executives have prestige in themselves, then their subordinates will perform their duties with willingness and full strength, which is an important mechanism for the organization to meet its goals. And 3) Development of management.  As an executive, you have to work hard.  and know how to work, perseverance, patience, public mind, sacrifice, and never give up on obstacles. Flexible management Democracy When executives follow the aforementioned guidelines, executives will work with efficiency and prestige and lead the organization to its goals successfully. Even executives are faced with various problems and obstacles.  Executives will be immune and able to overcome obstacles as well.

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