Create Academic Leaders in The Next Normal

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Thidarat Takkere
Sumantana Timmaneechay
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkun
Reongwit Nilkote
Waiwoot Boonloy
Arungiat Chansongsaeng


The following common proficiencies for teachers will be critical in developing students and keeping them up to date with the ever-changing world. Teachers must consider the SMART model. First and foremost, the academic leaders should be skilled, knowledgeable, and capable. Second, management expertise and a positive attitude. Third, the teacher must be able to find and synthesize a media, as well as prepare the environment for students to be ready to learn. Most importantly, the teacher must be able to adapt to new technologies in the workplace.

          In addition to hard skills, the teacher should be able to encourage the student's passion, imagination, and morality in accordance with wisdom. As a result, the administrator must inspire teachers to be "true teachers."

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