Professional Ethics with Changes in the Online World

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Rattanaporn Pornprasadsuk
sasiphon koomwongdi
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Reongwit Nilkote


School administrators must handle themselves ethically in the new online world because there are events that raise societal concerns. such as school administrators or education personnel misbehaving professional ethics in conformity or misbehaving online. As a result, to manage complex issues effectively and efficiently while maintaining professional faith. Educational institute administrators must have an ideology in order to exercise professional ethics in conformity with the current environment by utilizing a positive mentality (soft skill). As a result, the purpose of this article is to give guidelines for conducting oneself in accordance with the professional ethics of school administrators in the changing era of the internet world, based on the following principles: 1) Personal Visionary Principles 2) Self-Leadership Principles 3) Individual Management Principles 4) Leadership Principles
5) Interpersonal Leadership Principles 6) Collaboration Creativity 7) Work-Life Balance Principles. To serve as a guideline for promoting positive behavior in both work and practice under professional ethics, and to contribute to advancing the educational system.

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