Educational administration and counseling in the Disruption

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Jukrin Sirisumran
Chompoosak Panakobkit
Reongwit Nikote
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Waiwoot Boonloy
Arungiat Chansongsaeng


This academic article is a concept for school administrators and counseling in the age of change (Disruption), which is the current of change that will cause the condition of replacing with the new That can happen to all sectors including educational organization. However, if the administrators of the educational institutions are not yet alert and raise awareness about the preparation to cope with such rapid changes School administrators may experience failure in leading the organization to achieve its goals. Therefore, the counseling of the school administrators in the era of change It can be regarded as something that plays an important role in leading the country to change towards a better future. which the consulting of the school administrators in the era of change It consists of 1) skills necessary for school administration and 2) consulting skills. when integrated with the administration of educational institutions under the ethics of consulting Will make school administrators in the era of change or replacement with something new have the skills that can lead the organization towards the aim of providing quality education and enabling educational institutions to achieve sustainable efficiency and effectiveness.

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Academic Article


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