Unity over Diversity: Concepts for the Development of Thai Society in the Postmodern Era

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Ratchadaporn Ketanon


   Thailand, as a country in the ASEAN Community, and, Thailand is another country that is characterized by high diversity, that is, there is a multicultural society consisting of people of various races, religions, languages and cultures. With these diversities, Thai people live peacefully a long time ago. But in the latter period, this era was found that many violent conflicts occurred in Thailand, which have the main cause of the conflicts of ideas that are caused by a variety of multicultural differences which is difficult to create a unified unity of thought.

The Thai government under the leadership of Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has seen the importance of reducing conflict and create a way to solve problems to unite the people in the nation to be united. Under the concept of creating unity on diversity, strengthen unity, reconciliation in hopes to reduce conflicts of opinion among people in the nation to conform to the postmodern paradigm. This paradigm shift greatly affects the thinking and lifestyle of humans today. So we must learn to change and accept new paradigms as well as finding new ways to resolve this conflict. The idea of creating unity by emphasizing unity in its original meaning may have to change to building unity over diversity. Create unity, reconciliation, reconciliation by using the democratic process in the postmodern era as a driver to reduce self-confidence, accept the difference, understand the change, respect various opinions and able to see other things with understanding and peace. These will be a way to solve conflicts in Thai society sustainably.


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